Before The Purchase

Can ES Global Investments 100% guarantee an investor will make a profit off one of their recommendations?
Does your firm always have access to excellent investment opportunities?
After you let an investor know about a home or vacant lot that is available, how long do they have to make a decision?

After The Purchase

What services does your company provide after an investor purchases a piece of property?
Does your company provide property management services?
Does your firm market or advertise a home or vacant lot after an investor acquires one?

Land Development, New Construction, and Existing Homes

Does ES Global Investments provide a comprehensive land development package?
type of new construction jobs does your firm work on?
) Is purchasing an existing home, renovating it, and later tying to flip it quickly for a nice profit still a viable investment strategy?

Over the past few years ES Global Investments has been very successful financially and we are always researching the market looking for new money making opportunities. If you would like to learn more about our company or talk with one of our representatives, please feel free to email or telephone us at your earliest convenience.